In the Naruto series, the whole show was based on Naruto and Sasuke . in the series we hardly saw any of the lovely interactions between Naruto and Hinata , Sasuke and Sakura , Sai and Ino , etc. but they become a couple at the end of the series which was a little bit lame. So, In this article, I have listed 5 couples whom we wanted to see in Naruto. 5. Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka Shikamaru was one of the smartest characters in the whole series. In part 1, he may not seem like a handsome guy but in Naruto Shippuden, he was more handsome than ever. In my opinion, he was way more attractive than Sasuke . On the other hand, Ino was so cute and hot at the same time. Right from the start, she had a huge crush on Sasuke . But Sasuke never admired her beauty. But after Sasuke deserted the village It would have been interesting to see ino and Shikamaru falling in love. I mean, they were teammates and they know each othe...
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